Chatting Bollux n Bull with Lynne and Tracey

Daring Escapades and the Art of Saying Yes

Lynne and Tracey Episode 30

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Ever wondered why saying "yes" to new opportunities feels so daunting? Join us as we hilariously navigate the minefield of self-doubt and fear that keeps us from stepping out of our comfort zones. With a comical attempt to stream live on TikTok, we share our personal stories about missed chances and the mental barriers we create. Through laughter and reflection, we emphasize the importance of embracing new experiences and even joke about our quirky T-shirt ideas designed to remind us all to be more open to life's possibilities.

Get ready for an episode packed with contrasts and camaraderie as we explore our different decision-making styles. One of us leaps without looking, while the other meticulously plans every step. This dynamic sparks a discussion on how facing fears repeatedly boosts our confidence and growth. Plus, we're gearing up for an adrenaline-pumping adventure on Velocity, the world's fastest zip wire, and we reminisce about our past 'ta-da' challenges, with plans to reintroduce them with your help! Tune in for a blend of humor, personal growth, and the thrill of stepping outside your comfort zone.

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Speaker 1:

can I talk now? You can talk now. That makes me sound like I'd like to add, you gagged in the corner somewhere. She's so bossy, gagged in the corner somewhere, so she's gonna say bossy old, but that's really rude, isn't it rude? Wouldn't be the first time she's rude to me. I don't understand why she suddenly thinks that she's not rude to me. To be perfectly honest to me is a normal state of affairs. You can't lean over that. I can't right.

Speaker 1:

Okay, for those people of you actually listening to us, we're trying to stream this on tiktok right at the same time. It is a first. But we've got to sit like really close together, which is not. We usually sit at the opposite ends of the room nothing personal, you know. So, yeah, we're having to sit a bit closer together. So, and I like and fidget me I tend to get on a bit of a wobble in a wonk and I'm just like I'm fidgeting. I need to sit my ass still. That's going to be really difficult, really hard for you. It's going to be really hard for me to sit still, whereas if I'm sitting at the opposite end of the room, I can don't matter to be really hard for you, it's going to be really hard for me to sit still, whereas if I'm sitting at the opposite end of the room I can don't matter. You're really about? Oh, really about Really. You said really Really. See, I said, didn't I, simone? I need to talk more clearly sometimes. Wheelie woman, really? You said willie, you just wanted me to.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, what are we doing today? What we're talking about today? We were talking about saying yes to things, oh yeah, and we're doing this by saying yes to streaming this random shit on tiktok live. Sometimes I don't know why we do this to ourselves. Really, we, we have no idea no, no idea what we're doing technically well, I don't, I don't think we have any idea what we're doing technically well, I don't, I don't think we have any idea what we're doing full stop, anyway, do we really? Let's be honest, and I think people might have sussed that out by now we don't, we just wing it. We have no actual clue a lot of the time.

Speaker 1:

We decided this morning we're master trotters that's the new word of the day. Oh yeah, we just like yeah, we are, yeah, we're so master twatters. We just we decided we're going to get it done on a t-shirt. I think we should definitely excuse me. Anyway, yeah, that's another thing. We need to say yes to T-shirts that say things like that. Yeah, that's what we're going to come up with.

Speaker 1:

So we're trying to say we've decided that we're going to try and say yes to a lot more things and talk to you about why we don't say yes to things. Yeah, because it's really interesting, isn't it? Yeah, it is really really interesting. People find it really hard to say yes to things. They do, I think you, automatically. When somebody says, do you want to do something, it's like there's a default in there and it's like all your fears just roll to the front. Okay, I can't do that. Because I can't do that, because I can't do that because, yeah, people find it so hard. Yeah, and you know what?

Speaker 1:

Interestingly, um, I said this to you yesterday. Somebody asked me a question yesterday, like if you could go back to your younger self, what would you do differently? And my first thought was, oh, it would all be about, like, having the confidence, yeah, to just step out and do things. And there's so many things in my life I didn't do that just for fear. Yeah, all different types of fears, but fear, fear is the biggest one, isn't it? Yeah, but those fears are generally how can I? I'm not, I'm struggling to find the word that I'm trying to say. I'm just going to say unfounded. But unfounded, I don't think, is quite the word I'm looking for, but you can see why you have those fears.

Speaker 1:

But actually it's usually fear of the unknown, isn't it Really? When you get down to not doing things, well, I think it's a bit of everything, do you? So there's fear of the unknown, and then there's the fears that we put on ourself of what we think other people will be thinking. Oh god, which is bollocks, because everybody's thinking the same. Yeah, like. So it's fear of judgment, isn't it it? Yeah, I suppose. Rejection in a sense. Yeah, so it's all those types of things.

Speaker 1:

And what ifs? Yeah, yeah, oh, and what if I eat up? Yeah, we're trying not to swear because of TikTok. I'm not going to swear because I don't think TikTok likes it. So you're going to. Yeah, you lot are gonna be in listening to the podcast. It's not a swear word. The f word's gone. Who vacated the building? Yeah, yeah, I think there's lots of what if?

Speaker 1:

Fear of failure, put it that way. Yeah, fear of failure, it's a fear of what if and people come up with this whole scenario about what, if I do this, then this might happen, and then this might happen, and then this might happen. It's like a roller coaster, yeah, and that's what I mean when somebody asks you that, isn't it? It's like that roller coaster rushes to your brain. It's like what? Yeah, well, I can't do that. Oh yeah, 10 000 things all at once on the reasons why you can't do it, yeah, and then we go no, I can't do that. Oh yeah, ten thousand things all at once on the reasons why you can't do it. Yeah, and then we go no, I can't do that.

Speaker 1:

No, and it's generally, I think, it comes out with a lot, doesn't it? With especially things that would really push you out of your comfort zone. People really struggle, they like people like their comfort zone, and I can understand why they like their comfort zone, and for you to come out of that is a really hard thing to do. However, actually, it's really liberating when you can, because those what ifs generally don't happen. Well, they don't. No, they don't. I mean, the only thing that might happen really is a judgment from somebody, but then, like we've said so many times, isn't it that that judgment is theirs, that, yeah, that's them sat in there. This is it in their place, isn't it? But in a sense, that's, that's nothing to do with yourself. No, it's not. It's not at all, is it?

Speaker 1:

Why have you got your glasses put on the end? You know, because I was trying to read if there was a comment and I, and then I've just realized how dirty my glasses are. They're absolutely minging. They are dirty. You're a disgrace. I am a disgrace.

Speaker 1:

Talk it up for another thing. You want to get the. Chalk it up for another thing. You want to get the? Oh, you want to get the um washing up liquid on them. Is that what you use for glasses? Yeah, brilliant. Oh, I'll have to have a go at that. Absolutely brilliant. Oh, there you go, I'll have to have a go at that. We digress.

Speaker 1:

We were talking about people not doing things and then we've gone on to washing up liquid in glasses. Welcome to our world. Yeah, where were we? Just like how people fear saying yes, they don't have the confidence to do things that they would like to do, or life gets in the way. I can't do that because does it get in the way? Or do we just use that as an excuse to get in the way, to be honest, because, again, when you, if you say yes, you're going to step out of your comfort zone, so we will tell ourselves the stories on. Well, you know you can't do that because I'm too busy, but we it's amazing what we can make time for if we really want to. So so is that. Is that just? Uh? Is that just an excuse that we really, but it is, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

People do it all the time, don't they? Because, like you say, they, and to come out of your comfort zone feels unsafe, which is why people don't do it. Yeah, doesn't it? Yeah, because we have our innate. One of our innate needs is to feel safe. Yeah, and things out of our usual routine in our comfort zone make us feel unsafe and it's difficult, isn't it because? And the subconscious wants to keep us safe, so we're battling that as well, aren't we? Yeah, because as soon as you want to step out, that little negative voice will absolutely harp its chords, won't it? Oh, generally, yeah, you can't do like you say. That's where it comes from, that fear, what ifs and everything else. That's where it all comes from. It comes from that, that negative voice in the head that tells you you can't do it, because it's trying to keep you safe, exactly so, yeah, so it's all about that safety aspect which is why we don't. So it's very understandable, like so, why we then say no more, yeah, no, yeah, because it's easier, isn't it? Well, it's easier.

Speaker 1:

Until then we get to a stage where we go I regret not doing that now. Yeah, you get to that point in our life where you think you get and you think that's it. I should have done this, I should have done that. Yeah, you get into, should, rather than what, ifs, yes, yeah, yeah, we do, don't we? We're weird, bloody human beings another thing to beat yourself up with. I should have done that. Yeah, I should have done this. Yeah, I should have said yes. I should have said yes, I said freaking. No, yeah, but it's funny.

Speaker 1:

But you think you see it all. So I I don't know how many people will know rob burrow. So he was a rugby league player and he had mnd, so motor neurone disease, and the chap that died recently yeah, that was, and he was only in his, like his, early 40s. However, you know, he posted a last message and he said if you're, if you're now seeing this, then that means I'm no longer here. And it was about don't say, you know, you just need to do things. And oh, I didn't see. Yeah, yeah, I posted it and I said it's just, it is that, isn't it? And you're getting that from a man, you know, that's been poorly for a number of years and you know, with a life-limiting disease, and it's just really interesting. Again, you know you're getting that perspective from a dying person, you know. And what is it?

Speaker 1:

Most people, dying people say Don't, say no, don't think that tomorrow is guaranteed, don't? You just need to? Don't save your best pants for a special day, wear them every day. Haven't even got any best pants, but I have special pants, special for what? I don't know. That's personal and you're special, isn't it? No, tracy's got special pants special. No, skanky apple catchers, but the top of me apple catchers meets the bottom of me nipples and that's amazing, okay, okay, no special undies in this. Well, that's good, because you obviously say every day is special, see, so you don't wait for the special moments, and that's what we should do. Shouldn't wait for special moments. There shouldn't be any special moments, because every day should be a special moment. Yeah, should, yeah, but we wait for until things are happening, don't we? Or whatever until we do.

Speaker 1:

She's got respects on the end of her nose again. She's just making me laugh there. Stop being so nosy. Tuesdays, concentrate, I can't.

Speaker 1:

There's too much going on in the room now for Lynn. There is, isn't there? It's like my head's like buzzing now from like one to the other. It's like bouncing down the room like bloody Zebedee. Now there's too much going on. It is, and you're making me sit. Still, I'm not making you. You can flip around the room if you like. I'm sure these lovely folks on tiktok. I need to have a moot round in the room. I need to, like you're on wheels, you're all right. Have a moot round in the room. I need to, like you're on wheels, you're all right. We need it about a bit.

Speaker 1:

It's terrible, isn't it honestly? Honestly, she can't sit still. No, I'm awful, I am, I'm like it at home. I know you are. It's a brazen. Sit still either. Oh god, they don't, honestly. No, you really don't. It's like a hamster on speed in my head. So that would be good to watch on it. Wow, interesting, interesting. This is why I think I should never like try that, because I don't. I've just I, oh my god. No, you've been nightmare. I'm bad enough on caffeine. Yeah, I'm completely wired. Honestly, she's bad enough just on some thoughts.

Speaker 1:

You're like when we're sat down having like idea days, give her an idea, oh my god, she's got like a rocket of her ass before we know it. We're doing all sorts. Well, let's do this, let's do that. See, actually, you're good at not saying no. You're good at saying yes. Yeah, it doesn't. I think it's because I've had so much programming as a people pleaser to say yes, but I just still don't. No, I think you're quite good at stepping out. Actually, to be honest, it doesn't overly bother me, it doesn't concern me. I think you're really good at it.

Speaker 1:

You'll just go yes, do it, shall we? Whatever? Yeah, it doesn't. You would do it and think about it later. Yeah, whereas I'm gonna think about it first and do it later. Yeah, no, you're, you're do it. Do it first and think about it. Yeah, I would say yes, and then shit and pants after yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'll have to do a bit of research first before I can commit saying yes, I'll think about this, let me just think about this, and then overthinking a little bit and I might just little overthink a little bit more and then I might make a decision, but then I'll have to ask Lynn to help me make the decision. Oh oh no, I'm just like, yeah, let's do it, and then our brains are like a bit of a nightmare to get around. Really, it is really, isn't it? It's amazing, we get, really, but then I suppose, because it's the opposite, isn't it? Whereas I'm a let's just do it, and you're like I need three months to think about it. Is it that long?

Speaker 1:

Give or take, the odd year or two, yeah, you're probably right, I'm going gonna have to bit to this one, but in fact we're just like solid, let's do it, let's do it, but then like but like you say that you know there's that complementary aspect, and whereas you know I'd have us bouncing off the walls doing all sorts of after of, you're like calm. Yeah, there is that aspect. Slow down, just hang on, let me keep up, which is no bad thing because I think that enables us. Otherwise, yeah, I'd have us off on a tangent here, there and everywhere, rather than keeping me eye. Yeah, yeah, rather than keeping a focus. Yeah, because we, we don't.

Speaker 1:

I think neither of us neither, because I was just thinking that is that contradicting what we say, because it's that sort of a hold back? No, I don't think it is, is it? It's just like a like, oh, just um, let's just, sometimes there needs to be a little bit of. Sometimes we just go out and go, yeah, let's do it whatever, like we've done today. Yeah, but then I think that that doesn't need much thought about in the aspect it does it that we're just streaming live.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because I think we're sort of, because the more you say yes, isn't it, the more? And this is definitely for me. You've got it plugged in. It helps if you switch it on. You know, see, we nearly lost all power then because I just plugged it in and didn't think about actually switching the plug on. You need to switch it on. I see, now I've forgotten what I was saying. What was I saying? What were we saying? We were saying about? Does that contradict what we say about saying yes to things? And rather than you thinking about it, I've lost my thought. Now I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I think in the context of saying, oh, like on the whim, right, we're going to go out for coffee, I don't think people should say no to things like that. But what you're saying is, when we're talking about business-wise, so when we're saying I will go right, let's go and do that, we can do this, we're taking business-wise and talking business construction. So that's like a little bit different because that's a lot more involved and that makes us sound a bit pushy. It does, it does. It looks like we actually know what we're talking about. I don't think we do. Oh, I know. Yeah, no, I'm not because I think we've got, because we've been doing, because of what we, what we've sort of the work we've done on ourselves, we've, we're quite happy to sort of step out.

Speaker 1:

Now, it's not to say sometimes I know I'm not a bit like, oh yeah, but we're happy to step into our discomfort zones, aren't we now? Yeah, definitely, um, don't give a flag about what people know if people, if people think flag about what people know if people, if people think a couple of idiots, I'm like great, that's it exactly. I have. No, no, no, bother with people thinking we're idiots. Oh, no, it doesn't bother me at all. Whereas if you'd sent me back 10 years I'd be like oh my god, no, I can't do that, because what will people think well, like you say, I wouldn't have done anything live, I wouldn't certainly have put my face on a camera and I certainly wouldn't have sat here talking for people to listen to. No, no, no, so that's what I was saying.

Speaker 1:

So the the more, the more you do it and the more you do step out and the more you feel uncomfortable, it does get easier. It's not going to go away. I don't think it. I don't think it ever goes away with anybody. I think we, we look at people and think, oh, my god, that person's really confident, whereas actually I think everybody has something inside of them that's going oh shit, oh god, just for some reason. So I don't, you know, even if they look confident, I think it's just because they're keeping doing it. Yeah, and it gets a little easier. Yeah, it gets. It gets easier to step out of that, that comfort zone, even if you're feeling, yeah, nervous or anxious about it, but actually you're in control and you're not giving your power away to that feeling. You're going. Actually, I'm feeling like that and I'm still going to go and do what it is I want to do.

Speaker 1:

That's the big thing to do, isn't it? Yeah, I acknowledge. Yeah, excuse me, I've got a croak today. What's going on? I don't know. I have a croak for a reason. See, I'm overthinking this now. Why is my voice croaking? What's that telling me? She's not saying something, saying something I should be saying okay, it's probably because I can't swear. That's it. Our voices have been cut. Now we're not swearing. Don't like it? No, let's have a good f-bomb.

Speaker 1:

That freedom, see, that's what it is. It's freedom to speed, to speak how you would normally speak. It's real quirky. It's freedom because you is. It's how you might not put in a restriction.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I don't like it very ticked off, we just need to do it more. You need to do it more, and I think the hardest one is always the first one. Stepping out of that comfort zone for the first time is always the hardest one. But once you've done it, once you know that you can do it, once, the thing is it grows into another one. Then, doesn't it? Because you've stepped out of that, and then it's like, oh, and I need to do that. So then it's another discomfort. It goes from one to the other, didn't it? Well, yeah, until you become comfortable with you, just want to say that it's fun and look at it almost like, rather than discomfort, like yes, maybe you just need to change the language. Okay, so call it could be a challenge. It is challenges. Yeah, an adventure. I'm like you, like that, I like the word adventure.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my coffee's cold, gah. Oh, I don't like cold coffee. No see, I don't get people who drink iced lattes. What's all that about? It's cold coffee. Do you make it with cold water? Do you make it over hot water and let it go cold? I think because iced lattes are like an espresso, so you make that with hot water, but you make it over hot water and let it go cold. I think because ice lattes are like an espresso, so you make that with hot water, but then obviously it goes in ice. Well, it's just a weird thing. There's our thoughts on ice lattes, everybody. What's all that about? Oh no, oh no.

Speaker 1:

You went into mrs bouquet mode. Then I did tonight. Oh no, I don't even drink my own coffee. That's a stupid thing. It's just pretend coffee. Yeah, it is, it is, it's right off this chicken, whatever. It's just pretend. Well, at least I don't drink those herbal tea things that you drink something on my teeth. They're good for you, good for you.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my giddy aunt, you just need to go and do things, say, yes, just just decide on something, that one thing, yeah, just one thing at a time. But just decide on it and go, go on, I'm gonna do it. But tell somebody, because then it's easier, because it's like you've committed a little bit, really bit. Then you just have to, like, make that commitment. Yeah, we'll say it out loud, don't you, because we're really crafty at that, aren't we? We've got that one. I won't tell anybody, and then if I don't do it, nobody will know. It don't matter, because then we all know, oh, I'm good at doing that. Yeah, this is the cop out in it. Just a little bit, yeah, which we're all good at.

Speaker 1:

But again, like you say, it's that whole feeling, that self-worth, that you can go and do these things, you feel yourself worth. It builds your confidence. You're easier, it is to go out and step out and do those things. And it all starts with that self-esteem, that self-worth, that feeling good enough. Yeah, oh god, absolutely. And it really doesn't. It doesn't matter what anybody else thinks. You're good enough to do anything, yeah, and actually the fact that you've stepped out and done it and had the courage to do that, whatever it is as big or as small as it is. That is amazing. Anyway, yeah, give yourself a fat, fat bag of credit. This is it.

Speaker 1:

You know, I remember seeing a Facebook post ages ago and I thought, god, that's so true. And it was a picture of um, a lad, at the gym. And it was, and he was a big, big, big, big chap. And it was, and he was a big, big, big, big chap and and it was something along the lines of at least he's turned up and trying to the gym, rather you sitting on your couch judging him for being the size that he is. Do you know what I mean? It's that courage to go and do that. Yeah, yeah. You can't give a toss what anybody else he's doing it, he's doing it for himself and that's what counts.

Speaker 1:

We've all got to do these things for ourselves because otherwise there will be a time in life when you sit and go should I've done that? Should I've done that, like you say, you get to our age and you go to should have's rather than what if-ifs? Yeah, yeah, you know, we say it might seem like you're a long time on this planet, but it's not, and tomorrow is never guaranteed. Not a dress rehearsal. You're stuck with it. Yeah, that's it. Just want to make the most of it. Yeah, go out, babe, you know. Yeah, definitely Go out, disgracefully definitely, you know so, yeah, just, you have to be done, isn't that so?

Speaker 1:

Choice to say yes or no, it was gifted to me, so I had to come along. Yeah, I don't think I was given much of a choice, so we're saying yes, if everyone's that program, say yes to the dress. That made me feel like I was going to say that, but I'm not saying yes to a dress. Anyway, I was going to say well, is there something you need to tell me that you're saying yes to a dress? No, absolutely not. Say yes to a dress of any sort. Thanks very much. That's what I was just thinking.

Speaker 1:

For a start, it just made me think Say yes to the rest, because I was watching a little bit of it yesterday. Oh, were you? I haven't watched it. See, I should shut up, shouldn't I? Because then I forget what I'm going to talk about. Right, we said yes to doing the Velocity, which is the world's fastest and the UK's longest zip wire. So we're doing that in July We've got a fundraiser, by the way, we'll put that out there.

Speaker 1:

Um, so we've got to say something else. Now, say yes to you. What do you ask? Do you want to say yes to no love? To give that a bit of the floor? I think we do. I think we need to. Yeah, do something. And it feels good though, doesn't it? It feels good that we're going to do it.

Speaker 1:

I feel a little bit excited. Yeah, after the initial gee, what the hell am I doing? You'll see this again. Right is mixed feelings, because I was listening to something the other day and anxiety and excitement give out the same as exactly the same chemicals and feelings and reactions within the body. Okay, that makes sense. So how do you know? Like, if you think, oh, I'm a bit nervous about this, it could be excitement instead of nervousness. Look, it could be, and I think I am. The more. The closer I'm getting, the more money we're raising, the more excited I'm getting about it. Yeah, I was mind you this.

Speaker 1:

This morning I was looking at a picture right of um, the velocity kind of thing and I was thinking I don't know my ass going in those like thingies how much thingies, but I don't think they're an all-round. I think you lie on it and they must strap you in. Well, if I'm strapped in, I I won't lie. I think on the day when we get on that little ledge and look out across that quarry, I think I might drop my pants. Oh, we're so gonna do videos from there. We're gonna do videos. We'll do a live from there as well, from us. Oh, yeah, yeah, we'll do. Yeah, we'll do lives from there and all sorts. So you will get, uh, you will get the whole thing, and then it's recorded and then, yeah, we are having a video, don't we? Yeah, we've got to. Oh, thank you for the love. Oh, thank you, truly kind of you. So, yeah, no, it will be. But, yes, I think now we're doing this one.

Speaker 1:

We kind of need to keep the memento up, yeah, but do you remember, like a couple of years ago, we used to do to dars, didn't we? So every month, we had a to dar, like, because we used to have a mini little envelope, yeah, and one of us would do it. So the other one didn't know. Yeah, that one would open it and you go, ta-da, this is what we're doing this. We need to go back to doing that. Do you know what we?

Speaker 1:

We need to plan that for next year. Maybe we should do like for next year, we should do six cards each. That's a plan. Mix them up, yeah. Get somebody else to put them in envelopes, yeah. And or get somebody else to write out no, not doing that. Yeah, don't let them flipping. Choose not. If you know, I'll not let my kids choose. They were the one that gifted me the velocity. Yeah, we'll do. We'll get back to that.

Speaker 1:

Maybe we need to get the viewers to choose. Oh, yes, that's a good idea. Maybe, right, we need to put up a poll and give them some options so they don't you don't have to choose all 12, but at least sort of maybe two or three of them. That's a good idea. We'll get you to choose and then that's a really good idea. Yeah, we'll do that. Yeah, we'll. We'll get that. We'll put that in the diary to do next year. Yeah, so we'll get. Definitely we'll get some polls up at the end of the year. Right now, you need to remember we said this, so we need to write that down somewhere. I need to write it down and remember where I've written it. So we need to write it down and remember that I'm gonna go down. I'm gonna go down and I'm gonna write that in my diary so we remember doing that. Good idea, good idea, batman. Yeah, get people to choose, that'd be fun.

Speaker 1:

Yes, everybody interacting and they get the enjoyment of seeing us squirm and whatever it is. But it's a good feeling, you know, it is a really good feeling when you step out and do it. Yes, because she wants to sit in the back row anyway, isn't it? It's liberating. It depends what you're doing in the back row, doesn't it? She always dirties it, doesn't she? Always, always, penny whip, it's that tall man you dance with.

Speaker 1:

She's horrible to me, right? She seriously takes the piss out of me every dance lesson. So sometimes on our dance lesson we do boring Latin moves. It's now become a running joke in our class, right? So we have to hold the ballroom, pretend. We have to pretend men, sorry, men, that doesn't come from a cynical old fart who's been jaded by marriage, does it? Well, anyway, we have to hold the ballroom frame. She takes a piss all the time because of who's got a tall man? It's this man I'm dancing with Must be about seven foot. So now it becomes a running joke in the class. That's brilliant. Yeah, I don't take a piss she does. I don't mean to piss she does. I don't mean to. It doesn't? It's funny. It doesn't bother me that she does. To be perfectly honest, I love it when she does.

Speaker 1:

She's very good at dancing, by the way. Oh, you are. Oh, don't give yourself enough credit. I do love my dancing so good. I do love it. That's why you know I love it in it. So I think you become good at something that you love because it comes, if it comes, because you enjoy it, make you enjoy it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, makes life a lot easier, doesn't it? Yeah, so we need to enjoy shopping ourselves. We should video a bit of our dancing. That would be hilarious. Oh, we should, shouldn't we? Yeah, yeah, that would be a giggle, wouldn't it? Us two practicing, because we don't ever bloody practice every week, we should practice. We don't do it, do we? We're rubbish at practicing. It would make life a lot easier if we practiced a bit. Yeah, but, yes, I can't practice because I forget what I've done. But it is. That's another thing, isn't it? I got exams the end of the month. You just have to say yes to doing that. Yep, but it's yeah, it's lots of yeses, yeah, yeah. Less of the nose, less of the nose, no, no nose, anyway, no nose. Give these people a break from our chat. I think we should, because actually I think we've just talked a whole lot of nonsense for the last 35 minutes. To be honest, usual. Absolutely. Have the most fabulous day. You, gorgeous lot bye.

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